Finding work while traveling around Australia
It would have to be the dream of at least half Australia’s population. Packing up and heading of on the big road trip around Australia. For some, money isn’t an issue and they can go whenever they like. But for a Naive Nomad like myself, I need to earn money to keep the traveling dream alive.
Finding work while traveling is easy if you are willing to look for it, and willing to work hard.
Being skilled or experienced in something is a big help too.
You would be amazed at the different types of work that is on offer on your Australian travels.
Extended Stays
If you are looking at staying in a location for an extended period of time (for example several months) then the best thing to do is look online and apply for advertised work before you leave. That way you know you are committed to be at a certain destination for a certain amount of time. Long stays in single locations are often necessary to save for the next leg of your trip.
Popular types of work on extended stays usually involves cooking, cleaning and/or bar work. Weather it is at a small town pub, caravan park or even a cattle station, this type of work is found advertised online all the time. If you have done some traveling around Australia to small country towns, you will already know that most positions like this are usually filled by foreign backpackers. If you are willing to work, and work hard then you will get the job over a foreign backpacker every time.
Short Term Stays
Notice boards. Every small town has them. It is the heartbeat of the town. Weather someone has puppies for sale, or the local school is hacing an open day, everything is advertised on notice boards. Small towns are typically always in need of skilled workers. If any jobs or work needed in your skillset is not advertised on the notice board, then make your own small poster introducing yourself and your skills. Hand written is fine.
“Hi, I’m Mikey and I’m traveling Australia with my lovely wife Jazz. We are staying in your town for 5 to 10 days and wondering if you are looking for any short term workers or jobs that need doing.
I am a competent welder, I am pretty good at fixing computers and am willing to get my hands dirty for a hard day’s work.
This is my phone number… ” or “Find usĀ at the Jayco Caravan in the caravan park with the Grey Ford Ranger.”
It’s as simple as that. If anyone in the town is looking for any short term work, then I you should expect a phone call.
Self Sufficient Income
This is the one I love the most. People traveling on the road around Australia that bring their trade with them.
In our travels we have met a sign writer that brought his gear with him in the caravan. He got heaps (and heaps!) of work between South-East Queensland and Darwin. You pretty much can’t drive through a town in central Queensland without seeing signs that he did on his travels. He did butchers, bakers, caravan parks, everything!
But your traveling self sufficient income doesn’t need to take up heaps of space. While staying at King Ash Bay Fishing Club near Borroloola, an old couple came through and the bloke was sharpening knives for $2 each. Seriously $2 each. How could he make any decent money at that price? Well I will tell you how. One person got their knives sharpened and was so impressed that word spread around camp in a flash. By the following day he must have sharpened 100 knives. I personally took down my 5 favourite cooking knives and got his to sharpen them. I don’t know how he did it but they were honestly sharper than they had ever been.
We’ve seen travelers with mobile espresso coffee machines built into the back of their car that is towing a caravan. If you wanted to follow an event circuit then you are always going to find a crowd of customers. Eg rodeos, shows, festivals, etc.
A bloke was printing custom designs onto stubbie holders one year. Everything from “Happy Birthday Bill” to “I Survived Cyclone Paul”. If you wanted to buy one they were expensive. But if you bought 10 or more, the price came right down.
Markets. Do you make any crafts or your own fishing gear etc? Almost every town has a markets at least once a month. Do your research and try and time your stops on your trip to coincide with market days where you can set up a stall. All you will need is your product and a trestle table.
If you truly want to travel Australia, but need to earn money along the way, you will find a way. Hopefully I’ve given you a few ideas for you to work on. We will see you on the road!